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Meet the Officers

Meet the Officers

Hi, there. Meet the C-Suite of Gatorale Brands.

This began in 2009 as a drunken idea in a garage. Over time, we've been able to make our dreams a reality and combine our two favorite things: A Great Beer and an even Better Time. Somehow, we've assembled our ragtag crew of (unique) C-Suite officers with each and every one of us bringing our own piece to the party. Take a look at their career highlights.

This isn't just about beer.

It's a Lifestyle.

#RainOrShine It's Gatorale Time

Kevin Richardson, CEO

Chief Entertainment Officer

The Godfather himself. ARK. Slicky. Papa Kev. Nothing like a wine connoisseur letting it fly and starting a beer/lifestyle brand based on his alma mater. After talking-the-talk for over a decade, he's finally walking-the-walk now after loading up on every type of marketing merch possible from Gatorale golf tees to Gatorale boats.

What could possibly go wrong?

Conor Richardson, CLO

Chief Leisure Officer

Meet the Florida double-alum and prince of all things Gatorale. You'll catch Kip with a 1up lead on 18 tee or behind the helm of the company 39' SeaVee in the Bahamas. Long-sleeve t-shirt aficionado and ball-striking wonder, it's the CLO's dream to bring our family lifestyle brand to everyone. Welcome to the entertaining life of Pan in Neverland.

Justin Richardson, COO

Chief Outdoors Officer

Our officer with the most diversified résumé out there. The COO shows off the durability and functionality of Gatorale Brands products out in the wild. It also really helps that when our Outdoor Western Adventures division opens, we have one guy who's certified to guide you down whitewater rapids and then do a tandem jump out of an airplane before closing out the day at the best local aprés-ski. And no, that's not just some random google image of someone skiing, it's Nature Boy himself.

Ryan Orr, CFO

Chief Fishing Officer

Just a walking brand billboard out on the course and out on the water. Not sure if the man has been seen in public without Gatorale Brand apparel in almost 4 years. As a side not, it is interesting to have a CFO for a guy that lives on the glorified 'Lake of Mexico'.

James Monnerville, CBO

Chief Beer Officer

Quality control and global shipping savant. There's not a single drop of liquid or a thread of apparel that goes out the door without CBO's hand-stamped approval. We personally challenge any other company's CBO to show us a "beer-drinking" specialist with more experience in the this area of expertise.

Ricky Casko, CSO

Chief Social Officer

A Georgia B*lld*g somehow ends up in the company's C-Suite... But when you've got a guy who can sell ice to an eskimo, sometimes you've just got to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Nick Gilliam, CIO

Chief Intel Officer

Our boots on the ground in Gaines-vegas and the man in the know. After casually winning one of those National Championships in 2001 playing for our CPO, he decided that he'd call it home for a little while longer while living out the highly-desirable Tour Mid-Am life across the country. Good luck bringing up a Top 100 course without getting a "Oh yeah, I've played that one. But have you played this original Raynor?"

Tyson Alexander, CCO

Chief Officer

It's pretty simple really... If you drink Gatorale, you *might* make it to the PGA Tour one day. It worked out for this stud at least as he starts his rookie season in 2023. If anyone needs tickets to a PGA Tour event, he'll definitely hook you up so just text him at (352) 123 - 4567.

Buddy Alexander, CPO

Chief Pards Officer

We may not be that Hazy IPA that Pards loves to nurse after a day spent on the course, but this legend of Gator Golf still knows a good beer when he sees one. The '86 U.S. Amateur Champ is still out there sharing his wisdom with golf's next generation and beating balls in his downtime. Tend the flag outside 30 feet, don't wear a glove when you're chipping, and don't hit it in boonta are just a few of the 44 commandments you better remember.

Robbie Wight, CTO

Chief Tailgate Officer

Another mid-amateur legend that graces our C-Suite officers with his presence. I think people are starting to see the importance we put on the people in our company being able to appreciate a 5-star golf course as well as a 5-7pm happy hour. CTO always finds an excuse to come to town so he can hop from tailgate to tailgate slinging product.

Ryan Crowley, CNO

Chief _______ Officer

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